Highway Detailed Design
Sanderson Associates offer a full range of Highway Detailed Design Services from the design of a simple vehicle access for one dwelling to signalised junctions and re-routing of primary dual carriageways through City centres to serve major developments. Our clients range from private individuals through to all members of the Private Sector and a variety of Public Bodies.
The level of services we offer range from the provision of preliminary design advice, through the detailed design process to the preparation of construction drawings, construction documents, tender processes (including tender appraisal), pre- start meetings, project management, works on site supervision, agreeing final accounts, certificates of completion and the preparation of as built drawings.
Where there are on site highway works or, if the initial planning application’s Transport Assessment has identified the need for off site highway improvements (or during the negotiation period these become a requirement of the Local Planning or Highway Authority), it is usual for us to examine these in enough detail to be able to advise our clients on the likely cost implications and deliverability of the works. This is important not only for budget costs, which may impact on the viability of the project, but also if additional third party land is found to be needed through a requirement of the Authority which may seriously effect the delivery of the works or the overall project.
Road Adoption, Public Rights of Way and Highway Legal Issues
New estate roads serving more than 5 dwellings are normally constructed to the standards of the Local Highway Authority and once completed ‘adopted’ as public roads, which the Authority then maintains. This process is principally carried out under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 post the granting of planning permission.
Existing unmade roads or ‘private streets’ that are normally maintained by street frontages can be adopted by the Local Highway Authority as publicly maintained roads once improved to the Authority’s standards. This is carried out under Section 205 and 219 of the Highways Act and Sanderson Associates can provide advice on these and the Section 38 process together with likely design and construction costs.
Defective Public Highway and Private Road Construction
The Highways Act 1980 brought in measures to ensure that the highways in the United Kingdom are suitable for use. In some instances highways are not always fit for use and accidents can occur. Trips and falls do occur and can unfortunately cause serious injuries. Common problems with the highways include potholes, uneven surfaces, uncovered drains or defective kerbs. If this happens Sanderson Associates are able to assist, you can read further information on our Highway Expert Witness Page.
Advice on Road Closure
Creation, diversion and ‘stopping up’ of public rights of way are all subject to formal legal processes under the Highways Act or the Town and Country Planning Act, where linked to development. The term ‘Public Rights of Way’ covers all types of ‘user’, including footpaths, bridleways and by-ways, where changes may also require ‘modifications’ to the Definitive Public Rights of Way records of the Local Highway Authority. Sanderson Associates have experience in using the legislation which is the mechanism for these changes and can make applications on our client’s behalf, including appearances at either local Magistrates Court or local public inquiry as circumstances require, you can read further information on our Highway Expert Witness Page.
Section 38 Agreements – Adoption by Agreement
Where, as part of a development, it is proposed to construct a new estate road for residential, industrial or general purpose traffic the normal legal means by which the road becomes a public highway is via an Agreement under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980. We are able to assist in this process by negotiating Section 38 Agreements with the Local Highway Authority’s engineer on behalf of our Clients, along with the preparation of plans showing all elements of construction, design and specifications.
Section 62 Advice – General Power of Improvement
The provision of this part of the Highways Act has the effect of empowering or requiring highway authorities and other persons to improve highways for the benefit of the public. We are able to assist in this process by preparing the relevant design drawings to allow construction of the proposed improvements.
Section 72 Advice – Widening of Highways
A Highway Authority may widen any highway for which they are the Highway Authority and may for that purpose agree, with a person having the power for the dedication of adjoining land as part of a highway. We can assist in this process by preparing the design drawings to enable the design and construction of the carriageway widening.
Section 171 Advice – Control of Deposit of Materials and Excavations in Streets
A person may, with the consent of the Highway Authority, for a street that is a highway maintainable at the public expense, temporarily deposit building materials, rubbish or other things in the street or make a temporary excavation in it, we can assist our clients with the appropriate applications.
Section 184 Agreements – Vehicle Crossings over Footways/Verges
A developer will be required to enter into a Section 184 Agreement for the construction of, or alterations to, any site access or accesses where these are the only highway works required to be executed to enable the development or if they need to be constructed in advance of the main works which are to be carried out under a Section 38 or 278 Agreement. As part of this process we can prepare the relevant design drawings to allow construction of the new access.
Section 278 Agreements – Contributions towards Highway Works
Highway improvement works on roads are under the control of the Local Highway Authority; however, following guidance and using Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980, it is applicable where
A Highway Authority may, if they are satisfied and it will be of benefit to the public, enter into an agreement with any person for the execution by the authority of any such works which the Authority are or may be authorised to execute, or for the execution by the Authority of such works incorporating particular modifications, additions or features, or at a particular time or in a particular manner, on terms that the person pays the whole or such part of the cost of the works as may be specified or determined in accordance with the Section 278 Agreement.
Sanderson Associates can prepare the detailed design drawings in accordance with the relevant design standards and submit them to the Local Highway Authority for technical approval, after which we can assist with the preparation of contract documents and supervision of the works.
Section 106 Agreements of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – Planning Obligations and Agreements
Section 106 Agreements and Unilateral Undertakings are types of Planning Obligation authorised by Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Planning and Compensation Act 1991 Section 12. The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 also sets out restrictions on the use of Planning Obligations.
Planning Obligations are used following the granting of planning permission (normally major developments) to secure community infrastructure to meet the needs of residents in new developments and/or to mitigate the impact of new developments upon existing community facilities. They can also be used to restrict the development or use of the land in a specified way or require specific operations or activities to be carried out on the land.
Computer Aided Designs
Sanderson Associates use the latest design tools and applications in the highway design process including 2d and 3D computer aided design software to produce the detailed design drawings including:
- AutoCAD computer aided design software to produce the detailed design drawings
- PDS ground modelling software to prepare the horizontal and vertical designs
- Microdrainage Windes for surface water and foul sewer designs
- AutoTrack for checking various vehicle swept paths
- KeySIGNAL for the design of new traffic signal schemes
- KeyLINES for the design of new road marking schemes
- KeySIGN for the design of new traffic signs
- KeyPOST for the design of new sign posts
Further Information
We have put together a dedicated website which you can view at https://www.detailed-design.com this website includes detailed technical information about Design Standards, Construction Drawings, Highway Agreements, Contract Documents, CDM Regulations, Road Safety Audits and all other areas of Highway Detailed Design Services provided by Sanderson Associates.
Help With Highway Detailed Design
We have vast experience dealing with Highway Detailed Design covering many different types of proposed developments for our clients, we would welcome the opportunity to provide you with a competitive fee proposal.
Please get in touch with us if we can assist you further.